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Now What Happens? Where Does Asbestos Go Following Removal?

asbestos removal

Asbestos, once hailed for its fire-resistant properties, has since been recognised globally as a significant health hazard. Following the widespread ban on its use in the UK 25 years ago, management, removal and disposal of asbestos have become crucial tasks. But what happens to asbestos after it’s removed from buildings?


The journey of asbestos begins with an Asbestos Management Survey, where asbestos containing materials (ACMs) are identified.  Recommendations are made on how to keep any identified ACMs in good condition and safely managed, or work is undertaken to remove the ACMs by licensed professionals.


If disturbed, Asbestos can release fibres into the air. Exposure to these fibres is the known cause of Mesothelioma, a form of cancer that that affects the lining of the lungs.

This is why professionals must always be engaged with when it comes to the removal of asbestos. Using specialised equipment and the wearing of protective gear, ACM’s will be carefully sealed in leak-proof, double-layered polythene bags, which are clearly labelled as hazardous waste.


Once securely packaged, the asbestos waste is transported to licensed disposal facilities. In the UK, the Environment Agency regulates the transport and disposal of asbestos, ensuring that it is handled safely and legally. Transporters must use vehicles specifically designed for carrying hazardous waste, and they follow strict routes to minimize public exposure. Asbestos waste can be stored in approved skips, containers or at a licensed facility, including the dump, but only with prior permission.


The removal of asbestos containing materials must be recorded within the buildings Asbestos Management Plan.


Upon arrival at a licensed disposal site, the asbestos waste is meticulously logged and documented. The waste is then buried in dedicated landfill cells designed to prevent the release of asbestos fibres into the environment.


The management of asbestos does not end with its burial. Landfill sites undergo continuous monitoring to ensure that asbestos remains securely contained. The Environment Agency conducts regular inspections and requires landfill operators to maintain comprehensive records of all asbestos waste received and buried.


While current methods for asbestos disposal are effective, there is ongoing research into more sustainable solutions, however, these methods are still in the developmental stage and are not yet widely implemented.


The removal, transportation, and disposal of asbestos in the UK are tightly regulated processes designed to protect public health and the environment. From safe removal by licensed professionals to secure burial in specialised landfill sites, each step is meticulously planned and executed. Artisan Environmental help with a range of specialist Asbestos Consultancy, RAAC Inspection and Health & Safety Services for Educational Settings, Commercial Property Owners and Managers, Developers and Property Professionals.

Our services address specific needs of commercial and residential property owners and occupiers to ensure safety and compliance at all stages of the property lifecycle. Contact us today for professional, expert, and innovative support and advise on how to safely manage your property.


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