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Understanding Responsibility for Asbestos Management in Educational Settings

Children walking through school grounds

Asbestos identification, management, and, where necessary, removal, are critical responsibilities that ensure the safety and well-being of students, teachers, and staff in educational settings. However, the role of responsibility can vary based on several factors, including ownership and budget control. Whether your institution is a privately owned school, a community school, or an academy, these factors influence who holds the responsibility.


The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) provides clear guidelines on 'duty-holder' responsibilities. It's imperative to follow these guidelines to effectively identify and manage asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in UK schools. Ensuring these materials are managed correctly reduces the risk of asbestos exposure and related health problems.


Factors Influencing Responsibility

1. Ownership: The type of ownership (private, community, academy) impacts who is responsible for asbestos management.

2. Budget Control: How budgets are managed and allocated can affect the ability to implement asbestos management plans.


The Importance of Asbestos Management in Schools

Artisan Environmental has extensive experience in supporting educational settings with Asbestos Management. Our comprehensive Management Survey contains:

  • Building review and survey summary

  • Asbestos register

  • Material risk assessment

  • Sample analysis details

  • Colour photographs of all samples

  • Recommendations and advice for all ACMs identified

  • Annotated floor plans

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Non-compliance with asbestos management regulations can have serious implications. Here are some signs of non-compliance:

  • Outdated Site Survey: Failing to have an up-to-date survey increases the risk of exposure
  • Incomplete Management Registers: Registers that don't indicate necessary remedial actions leave gaps in safety protocols
  • Unclear Asbestos Management Plan: Plans that are not easily understandable can lead to improper handling of ACMs
  • Lack of Regular Updates: Not updating information about ACMs can result in missed risks.
  • No Emergency Procedures: Absence of clear procedures for emergencies involving disturbed ACMs can lead to exposure.


How Artisan Environmental Can Help

Confused about how to manage asbestos in your school? Artisan Environmental is here to help. With school holidays fast approaching, now is the perfect time to conduct a Management Survey and take advantage of building closures. We offer complimentary site visits and appraisals of your Asbestos Register and Asbestos Management Plan. Contact us today to ensure compliance with CAR2012 and to protect your students and staff from asbestos exposure.

Don't delay—schedule your building Management Survey now and ensure your school's safety.

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